Tuesday, 27 November 2012

75 years of The Dandy The Jocks and the Geordies

The Dandy 2nd August 1980

A strong strip which is unforgettable once seen. Though the Geordies sure wear tight socks and little caps!!

Jimmy Hughes the artist also drew Bully Beef and Chips another memorable strip.


Yekal said...

Jimmy was my Uncle & I have fond memories sitting with him while he would drawn Bully or the Jocks I even remember him drawing Corporal Clott!

Peter Gray said...

Great to here... he was popular artist..

Anonymous said...

I loved the Jocks And The Geordies, had loads of dandy/beano comics as a kid but were put out in the shed and got ruined by damp. Does anyone remember The Jocks And Geordies having some female characters come in before the strip came to an end, can't find any info but I definitely remember the changes. Must have been early 90s

Peter Gray said...

yes in the early 90's there were females...drawn by Jimmy Hughes

Anonymous said...

The Geordinas and the jockettes