Some nice extreme expressions! love the fed-up cat. David Gudgeon. Sparky 1976.

Love the spin-off!
all in the same Sparky comic..again great using other characters in different strips...
Love the smashing robots!!
Brian Walker who is great at drawing machines..
Sparky comic 6th Nov 1971
David Gudgeon
The Beano 22nd July 1978. I remember he did an unusual Dennis the Menace..might be a comic library. Liking his style more good to relook at artists again.
David Gudgeon
The Beano 22nd July 1978. I remember he did an unusual Dennis the Menace..might be a comic library. Liking his style more good to relook at artists again.
A great two parter its so clever...Gordon Bell Sparky 1971 Oct 22nd Oct 30th Some great interaction and emotion!