Dick Millington draws every day except Sunday for the Daily Mail. I don't believe it! A Victor Meldred (One foot in the grave)type. Suits the Daily Mail very well:))

Now that father looks like the guy from the Daily Mail strip. Whizzer and Chips early 1980's.

Now to see what happens next...:)

Love this inside book picture from Tv comic annual 1969. Also with the signature!

One of most popular Tv Comic stars..ironically not on telly. Amazing how such a simple concept could last such a long time. Man hates moth! Moth always wins! Simple man! 1959 to 1989!!!

From Whizzer and chips 2 creations Hover Boots and Jolly Roger from Dick- 1st May 1976.

Learn magic tricks from Krazy comic. 1976-77.

I loved this as a child. Baby was best! the naughty one. From Pippin.

From TV comic 1969 annual.
Find out more about Dick Millington comic career from these great links.