The whole story is an advert.

Denis Gifford drew Koo KOo Korner for the early 1970's Whizzer and Chips.

This comic is all about saving money in a National Savings bank. Quite funny seeing all the propaganda. Also a lot of the pages seem to hark back to the early 1920's...30's..40's..50's in style and characters. Denis Grifford who designed and produced this who loves and collected old comics...look at the Kiss of Life by Brian Walker with the old Chips, Jester and Joker comic charactrs coming to life.
Anyone know anything more about any of the artists ... Graham Webb, Jim Baikie and Chas the comic artist? or more info about Money Fun the comic..
DG stands for Denis Gifford who wrote it.
Issue 2 next time ...with The Cash Street kids drawn by Les Barton with a credit to Leo Baxendale. post coming soon..