The stories and cutaways inside book...(I've finally got a scanner again and its the first time I've used it...good news for me)
I was sent a copy and thought the book was very well done... it was very kind of them to send me one...and also the Thunderbird postcards...
It has brilliant artwork and very readable...
The Thunderbird comic strip is so unusual and dramatic...lots of exciting framing....also its great to have them all together so you can follow the story and cliffhangers....loads to read....what an amazing comic TV 21 was...also all in a nice painted colours...a big book to read and reread...
I was born in 1974 so my experience of Thunderbirds is in the early 90's when it was repeated and Blue Peter did the Tracey Island make...
So these stories are new to me. I've read the reprint books of Dan Dare so know Frank Bellamy work. So nice to see his 60's work as well.
The book contains great cutaways of the different Thunderbirds....with info of the different parts. A bit like what Eagle comic did in the 50's centre pages. Which is a great feature for the book. Also Tracey Island and Creighton-ward Stately Home is covered in this way...

Its fun the readers letters to Lady Penelope and Parker talking about the stars of the Danger man Patrick bring the characters even more to life.
Sample of what it is like on the back of postcard....
Nice unusual postcards like the painting in the background...great details in this puppet series made it great fun...and real in a way..
The postcards of Thunderbirds are great to send or you could blue tac them and fill a whole wall...I've done this with postcards in my bathroom and kitchen....its a brilliant idea!!!
Frank Bellamy draws most of the Thunderbirds and some of the Lady Penelope pages..One of the UK's best comic artists...
Who of course drew Dan Dare in Eagle comic of the 50's..See the link for other books that Franks work can be bought.