Tuesday 26 June 2012

UPDATE David Sell comic work in Krazy comic 1978

I knew the artist was David But now thanks to a reader it is David Sell!

I love his way of drawing Tv Stars of the time..nice big noses!!

Here is another David Sell gem...now with his full name in the label. a very early blog post by me..
Here David's other comic work
Whoopee!! 24th Jan 1976

Krazy 13th Nov 1976

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Thanks to Phil Rushton at comicsuk forum George Martin's Tv Comic annual 1960 Super Nan

 Post subject: Re: TV Comic - which publisher & non-TV strip memories
PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 8:26 am 
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Over the years the strips in TV Comic tended to have a distinctive look - especially the ones that were drawn by their own stable of artists which included Bill Mevin, Neville Main, Dick Millington and John Canning.

However, there was at least one series that would have been right at home in the pages of Beano or Topper...


- 'Super Nan' was a kind of cross between Beryl the Peril and Desperate Dan, but more importantly she was the creation of George Martin - an artist who's nearly always thought of as working exclusively for DC Thomson (in fact, off the top of my head I can't think of any other strips that he drew for other publishers!).

IMHO the super-strong Nan was a great character who deserved a much longer run.

- Phil Rushton

 Post subject: Re: TV Comic - which publisher & non-TV strip memories
PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 1:26 pm 
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It's from the 1960 TV Comic Annual.

Here are a couple more examples:



It might seem strange to talk about comic timing in connection with two-dimensional pictures but in my opinion George never gets enough credit for his effortless mastery of this essential aspect of the humorous comic strip!

- Phil Rushton


Its always nice discovering new characters by a top comic artist..thanks Phil..

Thursday 14 June 2012

UPDATE Black Bob the Dandy wonder dog- Poor Blind Bob.

Poor Blind Bob is a recent story I discovered for myself and thought it was really well written and great character extension for Bob the sheep dog. As he becomes very jealous and tries to get Dirk the rival sheep dog into trouble!! Which also causes actual danger for Dirk! So very out of character But it shows how much he wants to help his master despite a temporary blindness and Dirk having to herd the sheep while Bob rests. 
Also Jack Prout is brilliant at drawing weather of different types as shown above like fog, rain and snow.
 I love the difficult drawing of the thorny thicket brambles tangling up the sheep and  great drawing of horses. I wonder if Jack drew for pleasure for himself...it would be interesting to see..

.every panel is carefully done and individual. 

Heres Phil's thoughts and pictures..
 Post subject: Re: Which Black Bob stories or pictures do you like..
PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:17 am 
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Bob also got the chance to act as a guide dog for his master's blind nephew in this story from the 1953 Black Bob Book.


As a child of the 1950s and 60s I must admit that for me Jack Prout's meticulously realistic artwork holds a similar appeal to black & white British films of the same vintage. I get a real thrill from seeing all the old cars and steam trains and - best of all - the dimly-lit newsagents' shops crammed with long-forgotten treasures! And, of course, nobody was quite so adept at capturing the changing moods of the British countryside through the seasons, from the extremes of Summer and Winter to the dramatic fury of a thunderstorm.


Incidentally it's interesting to note that this particular story was written before the advent of the National Health Service, when the only way in which one could hope to get access to essential eye surgery was by saving up the money yourself.

- Phil Rushton

 This is really epic!! From Dandy Book 1968.

see a one off Black Bob story here..thanks Bruce..

 Post subject: Re: Which Black Bob stories or pictures do you like..
Unread postPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 11:20 am 
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There are some fascinating biographical details about Jack Prout provided by his great nephew here:

http://www.davidprout.dsl.pipex.com/Joh ... kProut.htm

(There is also a marvelous photo of Jack and his father in the gallery section)

Bearing in mind that he was born in 1899 it's quite remarkable that, even after his official retirement, Jack continued to produce occasional artwork that was every bit as exquisitely detailed as anything he'd drawn.

Here, for example, are the opening frames of a two-page story from the 1974 Dandy Summer Special (in spite of their similar names Black Prince doesn't seem to have any other connection to Black Bob). As far as I know this brief outing marks the only appearance of the willful Shetland Pony and his high spirited canine friend - yet Jack imbues them with such engaging personalities that one could easily imagine the strip running for years.


And here, from the following year's Dandy Summer Special, Jack shows that he's lost none of his skill at depicting the timeless world of Andrew Glenn and his faithful collie. As with all of his opening scenes it's impossible to see it without being instantly drawn into the narrative and wanting to read on...!


- Phil Rushton


Heres the link...now to read it..

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Tv Comic 29th October 1982

Drawing Warner Bros cartoon characters are very tricky to do..it does stand out..and I like the carrot bobbing idea..I couldn't find anything about David Essex in the issue?

Dick Millington

The extra 4 pages I'm showing two examples were little half pages..I loved Russ Abbot!!

and Dangermouse!!

Dick Millington...Its funny how in comics the husband and wives end up looking the same!!

The funniest in this issue!!

This must of been a reprint!!

Another funny story my second favourite in the issue..
..who cares if Bugs is off model a bit!! At least he looks different in each panel

This looks like the work of Bill Titcombe..love the painted effect..also great to look at..

Classic ad...

Bill Titcombe who does a great job on Tom and Jerry a nice flowing style.full of action..

I don't remember this series..But I do Battle of the Planets..

Its quite impressive how many of the pages are in colour and on good paper..

Just like the Bistro kids smelling the air...like the gravy advert Busby has to be with a phone..But what on earth did he say to the mouse!!!!! An obscene call!!
 There is also in the issue Laurel and Hardy and a letter page called Chat-a-box...

Heres the Frosties box I got from Sainsburys..also the Broons celebrate the Queen's Coronation in style

I can't stop looking at this picture when I go into the kitchen it is just brilliant!!! or its grrr eat!!

Duidley has done a super job of celebrations...each character an individual..
The Broons and Oor Wullie 1936-1996 book.