Searching through Buster comics look for Reg Parlett gems I found one...then looked it up at Buster website and found it was by George Parlett.
Potty Poem
Launched: 24th August 1968
Ended: 1st March 1969
Comic Launched In: Buster
Other Comics: Reprints of Jolly Jingles from Jingles
Artwork: the brother of Reg- George Parlett
A very witty Poem... I like the sleeping with his feet in his mouth..
George created the strip 'Basil and Bert', which appeared in Jester. Early 1939.
From comicsuk forum-
George Parlett was born in 1902 and died in 1981.
His two most famous strips for the AP were probably Basil and Bert (Jester 1932-1940) which he took over from the Don Newhouse/Roy Wilson art team and Peggy - Pride of the Force (Larks) which he took over from his brother Reg. George was renowned for his ability to draw pretty girls like PC Peggy and this to a large extent would inform those strips that would take up the latter part of his career as a light adventure strip artist working mainly for the D C Thomson girls papers.( In fact he would draw a strip called Peggy the Police Girl for Mandy) Other Thomson girls paper strips included A Bed called Fred and Lydia and the Little People for Bunty and Queen Irena for Debbie. ( He also occasionally drew for Victor eg Kenny Carter's Kayo Kids)
In the late 1940's and 1950's he worked for a number of publishers most notably on Miller's Young Marvelman title.
In the late 1950's he did try to amalgamate his straight/comic style on occasion with one example being his stint on the Harry Secombe strip in Film Fun. But some of his best comic work, in my eyes at least, was that done for the Radio Fun comic feature pages Radio Fun Music Hall and In Town Tonight in the 1940's
His comic style lacked the fluidity of that of his brother Reg and his stronger line had more in keeping with the work of Charlie Pease but this was no bad thing in my opinion.
One interesting quirk that George Parlett did have was that he would often draw himself into his own comic strips as a subsidiary character. The giveaway being his mop of curly blonde hair which, very early on in his comic career, had earned him the nickname "Froth" around the AP editorial offices. thanks to Kashgar
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