Title panels give you a chance to try different things with your characters...seeing them as different objects for example is funny to see..

They also make nice posters..
http://petergraycartoonsandcomics.blogspot.com/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/1432139416803249/
Jimmy's Mighty Midgets - 2 series in Nos 131-147,215-224. both drawn by Paddy Brennan. Basically an earlier version of the Whizzers from Ozz with dwarfs. from Kashgar at comicsuk forum.thanks for the info..
Before he began drawing for the comics in the early 1960's Bill had provided cartoons and one-line strips for the Thomson women's papers like Red Star Weekly for nearly twenty years. One long-running example which he drew from 1946 being, if memory serves, a laugh at life strip titled 'The Robinsons'. His early work being done to supplement his income from his day to day employment as a bricklayer.
Off hand his Beezer strips were Banana Bunch, Tommy Taylor's Toybox (both taken over from Leo Baxendale), Black Bun, and Roly Poly Joe. I'll check on others.
A couple of other examples of his work from Beezer are Pedro the Pesky Parrot and Wrinkle and Twinkle. He also had a stint on Nosey Parker in the Sparky.